RSS3 SDK, the Turbocharger🌪️ for Your Next Open Web Development.


RSS3 SDK is the recommended way to interact with RSS3 Network.

Quick Integration: Our Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed for swift and hassle-free integration, speeding up your application development timeline.

Best Practices Built-In: Packed with tools and templates, the SDK comes with optimized settings and functions, eliminating guesswork and ensuring peak performance.

RSS3 SDK for JavaScript


npm i @rss3/js-sdk
pnpm i @rss3/js-sdk
yarn add @rss3/js-sdk

Getting Started

Obtain Data from the RSS3 Network

Get open social activities of anyone, here we get vitalik.eth's comments on farcaster:

import { dataClient } from '@rss3/js-sdk'

const socialActivities = await dataClient().activities('vitalik.eth', {
  tag: ['social'],
  type: ['comment'],
  platform: ['farcaster'],

Or simply query cross-network and human-readable feed of anyone:

import { dataClient } from '@rss3/js-sdk'

const readableFeed = await dataClient().activities('0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045')

Perform Searches on the RSS3 Network

Search for keyword Ethereum across over 100 blockchains, networks and applications:

import { searchClient } from '@rss3/js-sdk'

const searchResults = await searchClient().activities({
  keyword: 'Ethereum',

Or on a specific platform like mirror:

import { searchClient } from '@rss3/js-sdk'

const searchResults = await searchClient().activities({
  keyword: 'Ethereum',
  platform: ['mirror'],