Bridge to/from the VSL

Using the following bridges, $RSS3 can be bridged from Ethereum to the VSL:

Ethereum Mainnet to VSL Mainnet bridge:

Ethereum Sepolia to VSL Testnet bridge:

Deposit to VSL

  1. Connect the wallet, enter the amount to be deposited, and click the "Review Deposit" button.
  1. Approve token allowance if it's your first bridging transaction.
  1. Confirm and click the "Initiate Deposit" button. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
  2. Your deposit is now complete.

Withdraw from VSL

  1. Connect the wallet, enter the amount to be withdrawn, and click the "Review Withdraw" button.
  1. Confirm and click the "Initiate Withdrawal" button. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
  2. Your withdrawal has now entered the Two-Step Withdrawal, you can check the progress via "View History" at any stage.
  3. Prove your withdrawal after the waiting period (up to 1 hour).
  1. Claim your withdrawals after finalization (7 days).
  1. Your withdrawal is now complete.