RSS3 Documentation

Node State Map

Understanding and managing your Node's state.

The Node State Map provides a visual representation of your RSS3 Node's operational state, enabling easy monitoring and management of its performance.

To view your Node's state information, visit the Explorer page at{your_node_address}. Node State Detail

To view your Node's detailed state map, visit the Explorer page at{your_node_address}?info-tab=stage. Node State Map

The overall state of a Node is determined by two key factors: its current state and its current stage. Different combinations of statees and stages are represented by unique icons on the map.

A Node can have one of two main states:

  1. online: The Node is functioning normally.
  2. offline: The Node is currently unavailable.

For online Nodes, there are three possible stages:

  1. healthy: When the Node is ready to serve requests.
  2. initializing: When the Node has begun indexing data, but not yet finished.
  3. exiting: When the Node is exiting at the end of the current epoch, but it still remains available.

For offline Nodes, there are six possible stages:

  1. unhealthy: When the Node is unreachable.
  2. registered: When a Node's deposit meets the minimum requirement. It will progress automatically after starting.
  3. outdated: When Node's version does not meet the minimum requirement. It will progress after upgrading.
  4. exited: When the Node has gracefully exited.
  5. slashing(to be continued): When the Node's demotion count has reached the threshold, and the operator can appeal within 3 epochs.
  6. slashed(to be continued): When the Node has been slashed and prevented from serving requests until the operator manually restore the Node.

Nodes in the Online, Initializing, Slashing or Exiting stages are eligible to provide services and receive rewards. Nodes in other stages are ineligible.

In the following situations, operators need to take action:

  1. When the Node is in the unhealthy stage: After fixing the issue, you need to click the REINITIALIZE button on the Explorer Node State Map page to restore the Node. Node State Map
  2. When the Node is in the registered, Outdated, Initializing, or Healthy stage: The operator can choose to click the EXIT button to exit. Except for Nodes in the Healthy stage which will automatically exit in the next epoch, Nodes in other stages will immediately enter the exited stage. Node State Map
  3. When the Node is in the exited stage: The operator can choose to click the REGISTER button to restore the Node to the registered stage, thereby re-entering the network. Node State Map

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