RSS3 Documentation

Get Activities by Accounts

API Changes

POST /notes is replaced by GET /decentralized/accounts

Both endpoints serve the same purpose: to retrieve a list of activities Open Information for multiple accounts.

Parameter Changes

For Requests

address (array of strings, required): The wallet addresses to query.Renamed. accounts (array of strings, required): The accounts to query.
action_limit (number, optional): Limits the number of actions within each activity.No change. action_limit (integer, optional): Limits the number of actions within an activity.
count_only (boolean, optional): Returns only the count of records.Removed. Providing a count is no longer meaningful and practical (adding unnecessary calculation time) due to the large amount of Open Information available.
cursor (string, optional): A string used for pagination.No change. cursor (string, optional): Specifies the cursor used for pagination.
ignore_contract (boolean, optional): Ignores contract-related activities.Removed. Due to low usage.
include_poap (boolean, optional): Includes Proof of Attendance Protocols in the results.Removed. POAPs are included by default. You can filter them by using direction.
limit (number, optional): Limits the number of records returned.No change. limit (integer, optional): Specifies the number of activities to retrieve.
network (array of strings, optional): Filters by network.No change. network (array of strings, optional): Retrieve activities from the specified network(s).
page (number, optional): Specifies pagination page.Removed. Use cursor instead.
platform (array of strings, optional): Filters by platform.No change. platform (array of strings, optional): Retrieve activities from the specified platform(s).
query_status (boolean, optional): Queries the status of activities.Removed. Use success instead.
refresh (boolean, optional): Forces a refresh of cached data.Removed. Refresh is no longer needed.
tag (array of strings, optional): Filters by tag.No change. tag (array of strings, optional): Retrieve activities for the specified tag(s).
timestamp (Time, optional): Filters activities from a specific timestamp.Replaced. Split into two parameters: - since_timestamp (integer, optional): Retrieves activities starting from this timestamp. - until_timestamp (integer, optional): Retrieves activities up until this timestamp.
type (array of strings, optional): Filters` by type.No change. type (array of strings, optional): Retrieve activities for the specified type(s).
New. success (boolean, optional): Filters activities based on status.
New. direction (Direction, optional): Filters by the direction of activities.

For Responses

address_status (array of string): Contains the refresh status of each queried address, reflecting the current state of the cache for that address. This helps users understand the timeliness and reliability of the data presented.Removed. No longer needed as the Node version does not use caching for address indexing.
cursor (string): A string used for pagination, indicating the position from which to continue fetching data in subsequent requests.Replaced. meta (MetaCursor): Contains metadata such as the pagination cursor for continuing the data fetch.
message (string): A general message about the response, typically regarding the status of the request.Removed. Due to low usage.
total (number, nullable): The total number of items that match the query, which may be absent if not applicable.Removed. Providing a count is no longer meaningful and practical (adding unnecessary calculation time) due to the large amount of Open Information available.
result (array): An array of activities relevant to the queried address.Replaced. data (array): Lists the activities associated with the account.
result.actions (array): Details of actions involved in the activity.Replaced. data.actions (array): Upgraded protocol schema.
result.address_from (string): The originating address of the activity.Replaced. data.from (string): The originating account of the activity.
result.address_to (string): The destination address of the activity.Replaced. (string): The destination account of the activity.
result.timestamp (Time): Timestamps indicating the actual time of the activity.Replaced. data.timestamp (integer): Changed from a potentially more complex Time object to a simpler integer format.
result.fee (nullable): The activity fee, which may be null.Replaced. data.fee (Fee): Detailed fee information for the activity.
result.hash (string): The hash of the activity.Replaced. (string): A unique identifier for the activity.
result.owner (string): The owner of the address involved in the activity.No change. data.owner (string) (string): The open information network on which the activity occurred.Schema upgraded. (Network): The network on which the activity occurred.
result.platform (string): The platform associated with the activity.Schema upgraded. data.platform (Platform): The platform associated with the activity.
result.tag (string): A tag related to the activity.Schema upgraded. data.tag (Tag): A tag related to the activity.
result.type (string): The type of the activity.Schema upgraded. data.type (string): The type of the activity.
result.success (boolean, nullable): Indicates whether the activity was successful.No change. data.success (boolean)
New. data.calldata (Calldata): Details of the call made during the activity.
New. data.direction (Direction): The direction of the activity.
New. data.index (integer): The index position of the activity in the list.
New. data.total_actions (integer): The total number of actions within the activity.

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