RSS3 Documentation

Retrieve snapshots of operation profit

Retrieve snapshots of the operation profit over time for a specific node. This endpoint allows filtering by Node address, date range, and pagination parameters.


Query Parameters


Node address


Specify the cursor used for pagination. This helps in retrieving the next set of results in a paginated response.


Limit the number of results

Default: 50


The date before which the snapshots are returned.

Format: "date"


The date after which the snapshots are returned.

Format: "date"
curl -X GET ""

A successful response containing snapshots of the operation profit over time for the specified node. Each entry in the data array includes the date and profit details. The response also includes a cursor for pagination to fetch subsequent sets of results.

  "data": [
      "address": "string",
      "date": "2024-03-13T00:08:38+08:00",
      "epoch_id": 0,
      "operation_pool": "string"
  "cursor": "string"